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Portara, the trademark of the island. It is built on the island of “Palatia”, on the edge of the port. It is the gigantic and magnificent gate of a temple dedicated to Apollo (6th century BC).
The Archaeological Museum
The Archaeological Museum within the area of the Castle, where works of art and daily life from the prehistoric period to the early Byzantine years (4th millennium BC– 6th century AD) are exhibited.
The Castles
Iria–Dionysus Temple
Iria–Dionysus Temple. An archaeological area, one of the most beautiful of the island. The 4 temples of the 9th and 8th century BC that are located there are excellent samples of the ancient architecture.
Sagri–Dimitra Temple
Sagri–Dimitra Temple,of the 6th century BC, built with white marble.
Kouros (Flerio)
Kouros (Flerio) Lying on the ground, at the position where it was left by ancient technicians, there is an uncompleted Kouros of a supernatural size (10.4 metres),a work of the 6th or 7th century BC, which depicts Dionysus or Apollo.